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My father was a healer—a small-town orthopedic surgeon and a pillar in our community. His work and care went beyond the office, and I clearly remember breakfasts together at our local diner being interrupted by locals wanting to say hello and thank him for how he impacted their lives. “Thanks for the new arm, Doc” or “Thanks for the new knee” were common greetings. He was idolized for his help, passion, and ability to teach people about their broken bones, not just fix the problem and send them on their way. He educated them in terms they could understand and gave them skills and knowledge they could apply to their everyday lives. He often used the diner’s napkins to draw pictures of bones and explain how they worked. He was like Elvis in a very small town, and he was my dad. I was in awe and wanted that in my life. I wanted people to come to me for honest advice. I wanted to establish a legacy and make life more than just about myself.

When clients talk about working with us, I know it sounds corny, but they always mention the word “trust.” They know they can come to me for advice and I will never judge. They know our conversations are held between us. That means everything to them.

Our first requirement in working with a new client is that they must be nice. Just because you have wealth does not mean you are nice. We start with nice, and then working from there…we are nice back. We go by the mantra that we are ladies and gentlemen serving ladies and gentlemen, and clients really appreciate it.

At Farrall Wealth, we help clients act as stewards of their wealth and make empowered decisions for themselves, their families, and future generations. We go the extra mile for our clients and serve as much more than just financial planners. We are our clients’ educators, strategists, and financial concierge. I think it was watching my dad coach, teach, and never judge that is a true differentiator. There is no judgment here, just progress and a “let’s get to work” mentality that not all firms have.

Many in our industry think they’re Tiffany’s when really they’re just Zales. We work every day to make sure we deliver the blue box. 

“Make a Plan, Work the Plan, What Is Your Plan?”
-Dr. John Farrall


About Farrall Wealth

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